W. Longview Ave. Structure Fire
At 7:51 p.m. on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, Local members responded to a reported house fire in the 700 block of W. Longview Ave. The 911 caller reported a fire in the basement and one person unable to evacuate. Littleton Police Officers were first to arrive, they immediately entered the smoke-filled home and pulled an adult woman outside to the front yard. With conflicting information about someone else still inside, members from Ladder 12 entered the home and conducted a primary search while Medic 12 started patient care. Engine 11 laid a supply line from the nearest hydrant and advanced a hose line inside for fire attack. The fire was quickly brought under control and all searches of the home were clear. After being evaluated by Fire Medics, the occupant who was rescued by Police Officers did not require a hospital transport. The SMFR Fire Marshal’s Office determined that an electrical malfunction involving laundry equipment caused the fire.