Matchless St. Structure Fire
At 02:15 a.m. on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, Local members from 2086 and 1309 responded to a reported structure fire in a new construction neighborhood near N. Rampart Range Rd. and Monte Vista Ave. in Douglas County. While enroute, the glow from flames and an illuminated smoke column was visible from several miles away. Thanks to an automatic aid agreement and closest unit dispatching, members from Local 1309 Engine and Medic 15 were first to arrive at 9915 Macthless St. where they found flames venting from the second floor and through the roof of a single-family home. A hose line was quickly deployed to the garage alleyway to protect the nearby homes and darken down the fire, a challenging task with gusty winds. Once the fire was controlled from the exterior, a hose line was advanced inside where crews searched the home and extinguished all visible fire. The badly damaged structure was especially dangerous with a partial collapse and large hole in the second floor. Tower 18’s aerial platform was used by members to open concealed areas of smoldering material and apply water from above. A ground ladder was also needed to access a burning soffit, and members described the muddy conditions were the ladder needed to be placed as a “slip and slide.” Thankfully no injuries occurred during the operation and crews prevented the fire from extended to neighboring homes. The SMFR Fire Marshal’s Office is investigating what caused the fire.