Portola at SouthGlenn Commercial Fire
Just after 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 22, 2023, Members from Engine 15 were dispatched to a fire alarm activation at Portola at SouthGlenn, located at 6851 S. Gaylord St. in Centennial. Upon arrival, the crew observed dense black smoke in the loading dock and upgraded the response to a working structure fire. The crew advanced a hose line inside and found a fire burning in the trash compactor located inside an enclosure. The fire suppression sprinklers had already activated and were keeping the fire under control, but heavy smoke conditions created a dangerous environment. Multiple crews searched the upper 4 floors and found light smoke near the trash chutes, but no fire extension was found. Residents were evacuated during the operation and thankfully no one was injured. Fan 22 was special called to the scene to ventilate the large loading dock with its powerful 750,000 cubic feet per minute of air movement. The cause of the fire is under investigation.